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As my family and I communicated through my college orientation and new student process there were a lot of things that we wish we had known more about such as locations on campus, student organizations, the amount of anxiety that comes along with this sort of change and FOOD! I know that my parents and I have suffered from seperation anxiety though neither of us have vocalized it until much later in the year. Below on the list are some do's for parents during the new students process and also some links to financial aid websites, tips for financial aid, orientation links and everything else that could assist you in being a helpful family member during the new students process.

Families of New Students

Parental Do's:

1. Give your "baby" space during orrientation to figure things out and encourage that they be asking the important questions.

2. Be supportive in their transition. They'll be stressed out so make sure that you can be the calm balance for them.

3. Let them have their way on move-in day! Ask them what you can do for them and if that is taking control of the move-in then do that!

4. Make sure you provide them with the assurance that there are resources at Clemson that can provide them with mental, emotional, and physical support if they are proactive reach out to them.

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